GTK Widget Reference
List of roughly every widget included in GTK
Containers control the behavior and layout of the widgets within them.
- AspectFrame: Ensures that the widget retains the same aspect when resized
- Box: Lays widgets in vertical or horizontal layouts
- ButtonBox: Arranges buttons within the container, and themes may style buttons packed this way in a nicer way
- Expander: Shows/hides a widget with a button that expands to reveal a hidden widget
- FlowBox: Lays widgets horizontally, and dynamically shifts them to new rows as the parent container shrinks
- Frame: Displays a frame around a widget
- Grid: Lays widgets within a grid of rows and columns, with each widget occupying a X,Y position with a defined width and height
- HeaderBar: Replaces the title bar, where widgets can be packed from the start, the center, or the end of the bar
- Notebook: Identical to a stack, but has tabs for switching between widgets. Essentially a Stack + StackSwitcher with a set style
- Paned: Containers two widgets side-by-side with a boundary between them that allows the user to resize between them
- Revealer: Conceals and reveals a widget with an animation
- ScrolledWindow: Makes the contained widget scrollable
- Stack: Stores multiple widgets, but only one widget is shown at a time. May be combined with a StackSwitcher to have tabs
- Toolbar: Bar at the top of the window for containing tool items
Containers with selectable widgets
- ComboBox: Used in conjuction with a tree model to show a list of options to select from
- ComboBoxText: Streamlined variant of a ComboBox to choose from a list of text options
- IconView: Think of a file browser with mouse drag selections. Essentially a FlowBox-like container with a grid of icons with text
- ListBox: Each widget is an interactive row in a list, which may be activated or clicked, and may support multiple selections
- TreeView: Used to present tabular data, with each row being an object in the list, and each column a field of that object
Containers which display or receive text
- Label: Displays text without any ability to copy or edit the text
- Entry: Text box for a single line of text
- TextView: Multi-line text box
- SearchEntry: Entry designed for use for searches
- SearchBar: Toolbar that reveals a search entry when the user starts typing
Widgets that can be clicked or activated by keyboard
- AppChooserButton: Button that shows an app chooser dialog
- Button: Interactive widget that may contain text, an image, or other widgets
- CheckButton: Check mark with a label that can be toggled on/off
- ColorButton: Displays a color and shows a color chooser dialog to select a different one
- FileChooserButton: Shows a file chooser dialog to select file(s) or folder(s)
- FontButton: Displays a font and shows a font chooser dialog ot select a different one
- LinkButton: Hyperlink text button for linking to a URI
- LockButton: Button with a lock icon for unlocking / locking privileged options
- MenuButton: Button for showing a popover menu on click
- RadioButton: When grouped with other radio buttons, only one button may be activate
- ScaleButton: Button that pops up a scale
- SpinButton: Number entry with buttons for incrementing and decrementing
- StackSidebar: Vertical tabs for a stack
- StackSwitcher: Horizontal tabs for a stack
- Switch: Toggle button represented as an off/on switch
- ToggleButton: Button that toggles between being pressed in and unpressed
- VolumeButton: Button that pops up a volume scale
Widgets that display things
- DrawingArea: Provides a canvas for drawing images onto
- EventBox: Makes it possible for a widget to receive button / mouse events
- GLArea: Context for rendering OpenGL onto
- Image: Displays a picture
- InfoBar: Hidden bar that is revealed when info or an error is to be shown
- LevelBar: Shows a level of a scale
- ProgressBar: Shows a progress bar
- Separator: Shows a horizontal or vertical separator
- ShortcutLabel: Keyboard shortcut label
- Spinner: Shows a spinning animation
- Statusbar: Displays information at the bottom of the window
Everything else
- PlacesSidebar: Displays frequently visited places in the file system
- Plug / Socket: Allows sharing widgets across windows
An exhaustive list of the gtk widgets can be found in the widget gallery, but the API version is GTK 4 and above, so crosscheck with the GTK3 docs to get the correct syntax for a widget