Loading tasks from a file


If in the future, we implement the ability to open a different list, we'll need a way of clearing the UI of the previous list. This simply involves popping out every task in the map and removing them one by one.

fn main() {
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
    while let Some(entity) = self.tasks.keys().next() {

When we receive the contents of a list to load into our UI, we're going to split the string by newlines and create a row for each one, then insert that text into their entries.

fn main() {
pub fn load(&mut self, data: String) {

    for (row, line) in data.lines().enumerate() {
        let entity = self.insert_row(row as i32);


Because we are automatically filling out the contents of the Task::entry for each task that we load from a file, and we are listening to any changes made to these entries when we send the Modified event, we need to block that signal when we are setting the text in the entry. Add the following new property to Task:

fn main() {
entry_signal: Option<SignalHandlerId>,

Which we'll need to assign to None in our Task::new() method. Then change the connect_changed signal for the entry to the following:

fn main() {
let signal = self.entry.connect_changed(clone!(@strong tx => move |_| {
    let tx = tx.clone();
    spawn(async move {
        let _ = tx.send(Event::Modified).await;

self.entry_signal = Some(signal);

Now we can safely add a method for setting the text on this entry, first by blocking that signal, setting the text, and unblocking it:

fn main() {
pub fn set_text(&mut self, text: &str) {
    let signal = self.entry_signal.as_ref().unwrap();